Wednesday, February 15, 2006

American Food

Sometimes I wonder what people in other countries think about "American Food" restaraunts. Are there actually restaraunts that serve up the American cuisine? I know they all think we're sexy rich bastards, but does our food reflect this?

I'm pretty excited when I go out and get to have our Americanized versions of Chinese and Mexican foods. I really have a hard time believing anyone would be excited to go to eat American Food. In reality, what is American Food? I mean, is it meat loaf,, fried chicken or any of the "homecooked" foods? I think I'm going to do a little exploring on the subject.

We'll start with meatloaf. I'll go to my trusty to find out where exactly this food originated. Hmm, fuck, that didn't work. I guess meatloaf has been around longer than the states. We can't really claim that one.

Now let's look at fried chicken. Well, what I'm finding is that in truth, it originated with the Scots and that African slaves added spices and whatnot. I guess that's partially American. Damn, if it weren't for the slaves, our food. P.S. our music would suck as well. All Pat Boone, all the time.

Ok, well, I can't really think of any foods specifically designated to our culture. Wait a second. I just thought of one. It's not really a food as much as it is a lifestyle. Fast food, baby. We did create it.

In america, everyone is excited to go eat, chinese, mexican, thai, french and whatever else is available. In foreign countries, I can just imagine someone saying “let’s go eat some american”. What exactly is an "American" restaraunt like in a foreign country? Think about the argument “Dammit, we went to Macdonald’s last week, I want BK this time.” They can truly say“This is really what they eat on a daily basis in the states”. It's not really like Americanized foreign dishes are here. We all know that the Chinese aren't eating fried rice and Crab Rangoon on a daily basis. In the U.S.A. we really eat fast food on a constant basis. What reason do you have to come to a country if it’s not to try their food. We’ve fucked ourselves with globalization. We've put our food EVERYWHERE. No one wants to come to the U.S. to eat. I mean, we did invent "freedom fries" but I have a feeling no one gives a shit.


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